Edit of asset "Import Animations in AnimationTreePlayer" Accepted

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Title Import Animations in AnimationTreePlayer Import Animations in AnimationTreePlayer
Description This plugin enables a dock that let you transfer all the animations from the AnimationPlayer to the AnimationTreePlayer as animation Nodes.

1) select the AnimationPlayer and press the LOAD button in the ImportAnim window
2) select the AnimationTreePlayer and press the IMPORT button
3) refresh the AnimationTreePlayer selecting another node and selecting again the AnimationTreePlayer

You can optionally SAVE all the animations, present in the AnimationPlayer, as separate files (saved in res://animations)

known bugs: once you import all the animations in the AnimationTreePlayer the nodes don't show up immediately, you have to select another node and then select again the AnimationTreePlayer
This plugin enables a dock that let you transfer all the animations from the AnimationPlayer to the AnimationTreePlayer as animation Nodes.

1) select the AnimationPlayer and press the LOAD button in the ImportAnim window
2) select the AnimationTreePlayer and press the IMPORT button
3) refresh the AnimationTreePlayer selecting another node and selecting again the AnimationTreePlayer

You can optionally SAVE all the animations, present in the AnimationPlayer, as separate files (saved in res://animations)

known bugs: once you import all the animations in the AnimationTreePlayer the nodes don't show up immediately, you have to select another node and then select again the AnimationTreePlayer
Category Scripts Scripts
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/unSkind/godot-plugin-import-animation-tree-player https://github.com/unSkind/godot-plugin-import-animation-tree-player
Issues Url https://github.com/unSkind/godot-plugin-import-animation-tree-player/issues https://github.com/unSkind/godot-plugin-import-animation-tree-player/issues
Godot version Godot 3.0 Godot 3.0
Version String 0.1 0.1
Download Commit 2b88a199e17eb6c571c165a4c1e97e3d527c2a8b 2b88a199e17eb6c571c165a4c1e97e3d527c2a8b
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/unSkind/godot-plugin-import-animation-tree-player/archive/2b88a199e17eb6c571c165a4c1e97e3d527c2a8b.zip https://github.com/unSkind/godot-plugin-import-animation-tree-player/archive/2b88a199e17eb6c571c165a4c1e97e3d527c2a8b.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/unSkind/godot-plugin-import-animation-tree-player/master/icon.png
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Image/Video URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/unSkind/godot-plugin-import-animation-tree-player/master/ImportAnimTreePlayer.jpg