Edit of asset "Easy C++" Accepted

Old/Current New/Edit
Title Easy C++
Description This tool allows you to easily build your GDNative code directly from Godot.

I ran into some issues where GDScript was not behaving correctly under Linux and macOS, when the addon was updated. So when the "Build Platforms" or "Build Configuration" in the new settings dialogue do not work (no tabs listed), quit Godot and start it again. Otherwise delete the folder and reinstall the addon.

Changes v0.2:
- Added settings dialogue.
- Fixed file structure for installing from assetlib.

The supported features are:
- Checking and setting up your build environment.
- Build using already existing SCons files.
- Supports Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019 compilers for Windows.
- Supports GCC and Clang for Linux.
- Supports Xcode for macOS.
- Platforms and configurations can be freely defined in the project settings.
- Generate batch files to build your project.
- Create solution and build from Visual Studio.
- Create generic Qt Creator project.
- Update your gdnlib file.
- Create a new GDNative library.

Known Issues
- Some batch files contain global paths.
- The tool does not always correctly wait for processes running in a terminal.
- When installing SCons for macOS, the button must be pressed twice, due to a hotfix that needs to be applied.

Please report any issues you find at https://github.com/dkollmann/easycpp/issues.
This tool allows you to easily build your GDNative code directly from Godot.

I ran into some issues where GDScript was not behaving correctly under Linux and macOS, when the addon was updated. So when the "Build Platforms" or "Build Configuration" in the new settings dialogue do not work (no tabs listed), quit Godot and start it again. Otherwise delete the folder and reinstall the addon.

Changes v0.2:
- Added settings dialogue.
- Fixed file structure for installing from assetlib.

The supported features are:
- Checking and setting up your build environment.
- Build using already existing SCons files.
- Supports Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019 compilers for Windows.
- Supports GCC and Clang for Linux.
- Supports Xcode for macOS.
- Platforms and configurations can be freely defined in the project settings.
- Generate batch files to build your project.
- Create solution and build from Visual Studio.
- Create generic Qt Creator project.
- Update your gdnlib file.
- Create a new GDNative library.

Known Issues
- Some batch files contain global paths.
- The tool does not always correctly wait for processes running in a terminal.
- When installing SCons for macOS, the button must be pressed twice, due to a hotfix that needs to be applied.

Please report any issues you find at https://github.com/dkollmann/easycpp/issues.
Category Tools
License GPLv3
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/dkollmann/easycpp
Issues Url https://github.com/dkollmann/easycpp/issues
Godot version Godot 3.3
Version String 0.2 0.2
Download Commit dd4de93fa12175b7c7eb665fd4fe1db7139bb77b dd4de93fa12175b7c7eb665fd4fe1db7139bb77b
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/dkollmann/easycpp/archive/dd4de93fa12175b7c7eb665fd4fe1db7139bb77b.zip https://github.com/dkollmann/easycpp/archive/dd4de93fa12175b7c7eb665fd4fe1db7139bb77b.zip
Icon Url https://github.com/dkollmann/easycpp/raw/main/resources/textures/logo.png
Preview Insert
Type image
Image/Video URL https://github.com/dkollmann/easycpp/raw/main/design/assetlib/settings.png
Thumbnail https://github.com/dkollmann/easycpp/raw/main/design/assetlib/settings.png