Edit of asset "jTools" Accepted

Old/Current New/Edit
Title jTools
Description Useful templates for creating games with Godot Engine. It is intended to expand and modify the toolset to your needs. It is high customizable and offers a simple, but efficient base.

- jSaveManager: Stores values easily
- jTable: Advanced Tables for Godot. For your needs
- jList: Adds powerful and customizable lists.
- jAudioManager: Play music and sounds with a single line of code. Everywhere.
- jSettings: Basic Settings Manager
- jEssentials: Simple but efficient functions

For more information visit https://github.com/Jean28518/Godot-jTools
Useful templates for creating games with Godot Engine. It is intended to expand and modify the toolset to your needs. It is high customizable and offers a simple, but efficient base.

- Simple Save Manager
- Basic Settings Manager - Highly customizable and easy to use
- Table - Adds powerful tables to Godot
- Simple Audio Manager for playing music or game sounds

For more information visit https://github.com/Jean28518/Godot-jTools
Category Templates Templates
License Apache-2.0
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/Jean28518/Godot-jTools
Issues Url https://github.com/Jean28518/Godot-jTools/issues
Godot version Godot 3.2
Version String 1.1 1.0.1
Download Commit 77e6cbf2a2cc85cbb43bd88895ce38f585e677b0 6b742f6acb1b452e13c52fcf25b56e1dee02b97b
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/Jean28518/Godot-jTools/archive/77e6cbf2a2cc85cbb43bd88895ce38f585e677b0.zip https://github.com/Jean28518/Godot-jTools/archive/6b742f6acb1b452e13c52fcf25b56e1dee02b97b.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Jean28518/Godot-jTools/main/addons/jean28518.jTools/Icon.png