Edit of asset "Line Edit Plus" Accepted

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Title Line Edit Plus
Description A line edit node with the ability to limit what characters can be entered via a Regular expression string and also limit how many characters can be entered.

Available settings:
- inputType -select between numeric, any or regex input. Determines what kind of input can be entered. Selecting numeric will force the input to be only numeric and will also use the additional options provided for numeric input. Regex allows you to use a custom regexLimitString. For example '[0-9]' would limit it to numeric only.
- limitRange - Enabling this will force a numeric limit range for numeric value entered.
- min/maxNum - Establish the minimum and maximum number for that range
- inputActionIncreaseNum - You can assign an input action that will trigger increasing the numeric value in the input box
- inputActionDecreaseNum - You can assign an input action that will trigger decreasing the numeric value in the input box
- inputNumStep - This variable determines by what amount the numeric value is increased or decreased by the input actions
- cycleNumInput - If this is enabled, once the numeric input is higher than its maxNum value , it will jump to the minNum value and continue from there. The same applies also if it hits bellow the minNum , it will then jump to the maxNum - in essence making the numeric value cycle
Category Scripts
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/blurymind/godot-lineEditPlus
Issues Url https://github.com/blurymind/Godot-Addons/issues
Godot version Godot 2.1
Version String 0.7
Download Commit 02039ea7d7399a63e9f43f3503efc53fd64ad9d3
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/blurymind/godot-lineEditPlus/archive/02039ea7d7399a63e9f43f3503efc53fd64ad9d3.zip https://github.com/blurymind/godot-lineEditPlus/archive/02039ea7d7399a63e9f43f3503efc53fd64ad9d3.zip
Icon Url https://github.com/blurymind/godot-lineEditPlus/blob/master/icon_line_edit_plus.png?raw=true