Edit of asset "Orbit Camera" Accepted

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Title Orbit Camera
Description Godot Orbit Camera
This plugin adds an OrbitCamera node in the Godot Editor.


In the Editor
1. Enable OrbitCamera plugin in Project Settings > Plugins
2. Add Node3D node (used for rotating the camera) into current scene
3. Add OrbitCamera as a child of the Node3D node
4. Set Anchor Node property of OrbitCamera to the Node3D node

Controls (Mouse)
1. Hold Left Mouse Button to orbit around the Anchor Node
2. Mouse scroll wheel to change the distance to Anchor Node

Controls (Touch)
1. Single touch drag to orbit around the Anchor Node
2. Pinch gesture to change the distance to Anchor Node
Godot Orbit Camera
This plugin adds an OrbitCamera node in the Godot Editor.


In the Editor
1. Enable OrbitCamera plugin in Project Settings > Plugins
2. Add Spatial node (used for rotating the camera) into current scene
3. Add OrbitCamera as a child of the Spatial node
4. Set Anchor Node property of OrbitCamera to the Spatial node

Controls (Mouse)
1. Hold Left Mouse Button to orbit around the Anchor Node
2. Mouse scroll wheel to change the distance to Anchor Node

Controls (Touch)
1. Single touch drag to orbit around the Anchor Node
2. Pinch gesture to change the distance to Anchor Node
Category Scripts
License LGPLv3
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/unovafr/Godot-Orbit-Camera https://github.com/unovafr/Godot-Orbit-Camera
Issues Url https://github.com/unovafr/Godot-Orbit-Camera/issues https://github.com/unovafr/Godot-Orbit-Camera/issues
Godot version Godot 4.2 Godot 3.2
Version String 1.2.0
Download Commit da64fed9d5e474949f1b5f55207e61bdbfd5eb83 0ac114ee01c579b1d8670b77ef62169ccd5171ed
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/unovafr/Godot-Orbit-Camera/archive/da64fed9d5e474949f1b5f55207e61bdbfd5eb83.zip https://github.com/unovafr/Godot-Orbit-Camera/archive/0ac114ee01c579b1d8670b77ef62169ccd5171ed.zip
Icon Url https://github.com/mrdev023/Godot-Orbit-Camera/raw/master/icon.png