Edit of asset "RNGTools" Accepted

Old/Current New/Edit
Title RNGTools RNGTools
Description RNGTools is a collection of useful RNG utilities. It features a weighted random number generator, a function to shuffle arrays, and other miscellaneous stuff. All functions optionally accept a RandomNumberGenerator object so you can use your own random sequence. RNGTools is a collection of useful RNG utilities. It features a weighted random number generator, a function to shuffle arrays, and other miscellaneous stuff. All functions optionally accept a RandomNumberGenerator object so you can use your own random sequence.
Category Tools Tools
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitLab GitLab
Repository Url https://gitlab.com/jwestman/rngtools https://gitlab.com/jwestman/rngtools
Issues Url https://gitlab.com/jwestman/rngtools/issues https://gitlab.com/jwestman/rngtools/issues
Godot version Godot 3.5 Godot 3.2
Version String 0.2.0 0.1.0
Download Commit 749af1c8412f52c376aba085e6ba425226f221d8 9b77602a70374cc391e3465cb423d43be505b0f9
Download Url (Computed) https://gitlab.com/jwestman/rngtools/-/archive/749af1c8412f52c376aba085e6ba425226f221d8.zip https://gitlab.com/jwestman/rngtools/-/archive/9b77602a70374cc391e3465cb423d43be505b0f9.zip
Icon Url https://gitlab.com/jwestman/rngtools/-/raw/master/icon.png