Edit of asset "FSM (Finite State Machine)" Accepted

Old/Current New/Edit
Title FSM (Finite State Machine)
Description Finite state machine plugin for Godot. It allows you to setup your states easily inside your project. Basically it consist of "Finite state machine" node which is able to hold child nodes that are representing individual states and transitions. It's created with the ease of additional states creation in mind, it will create for you script files for states and transitions. The file will be created in special "FSM" folder inside directory that's holding currently edited scene.

This plugin have also visual graph tool for creating fast fast prototyping :)
For more info check Video, Github and FSM.gd readme section.

What's new?
-1.0.0 Alpha -
* Visual graph!
* Support for transitions!
* Helper dictionary for less error prone setState() use. Now you can use it like this: fsm.changeState(fsm.STATE.YOUR_STATE_NAME)

- 0.9.2 -
* FSM node have new default settings in inspector. Recheck FSM nodes settings in your project since default behavior have changed!
* It's possible to pass additional parameters to fsm.update(). They will be transfered to states update funciton.

- 0.9.1 -
* Fixed crash when user never changed initial scene

KEEP IN MIND that while we are using this plugin and it should be well tested, we take no responsibility for potential damage caused by this code. You should always use Version control systems in your project.
Category Tools
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/kubecz3k/FiniteStateMachine
Issues Url https://github.com/kubecz3k/FiniteStateMachine/issues
Godot version Godot 2.1
Version String 1.0.2 Alpha 1.0.2 Alpha
Download Commit 8a3818278f2d7b773e502abb677d39c7f3e3d1e8 8a3818278f2d7b773e502abb677d39c7f3e3d1e8
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/kubecz3k/FiniteStateMachine/archive/8a3818278f2d7b773e502abb677d39c7f3e3d1e8.zip https://github.com/kubecz3k/FiniteStateMachine/archive/8a3818278f2d7b773e502abb677d39c7f3e3d1e8.zip
Icon Url http://kivano.net/kubek/FSM/market_icon.png
Preview Insert
Type image
Image/Video URL http://kivano.net/kubek/FSM/FSM_screen.png
Thumbnail http://kivano.net/kubek/FSM/FSM_screen.png
Preview Update
Type video
Image/Video URL https://youtu.be/n4lJXjLAHoI
Thumbnail http://kivano.net/kubek/FSM/screen_play.jpg