Edit of asset "First Person Stealth Character Controller" Accepted

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Title First Person Stealth Character Controller
Description A first-person character controller with an FSM, inspired by the Thief games and Quadrilateral Cowboy.


- Clambering up ledges and into vents.
- Detects how lit the player is.
- Get the texture of the surface walked on and signal to nearby listeners in a radius.
- Head bobbing
- Crouching and crawling
- Sneaking
- Leaning
- Frobbing (Interacting)
- Dragging and throwing rigidbodies with the mouse.
- Noclip state
- Camera zoom
A first-person character controller with an FSM, inspired by the Thief games and Quadrilateral Cowboy.


- Clambering up ledges and into vents.
- Detects how lit the player is.
- Get the texture of the surface walked on and signal to nearby listeners in a radius.
- Head bobbing
- Crouching
- Sneaking
- Leaning
- Frobbing (Interacting)
- Dragging and throwing rigidbodies with the mouse.
- Noclip state
Category Scripts
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/Scipioceaser/Godot-Thief-Controller
Issues Url https://github.com/Scipioceaser/Godot-Thief-Controller/issues
Godot version Godot 3.2
Version String 1.0.0
Download Commit 83fd8009f7564ecf910e78314c59d713b0664422 8082abc64db345d35a6ce3fd71e812e1010da7ce
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/Scipioceaser/Godot-Thief-Controller/archive/83fd8009f7564ecf910e78314c59d713b0664422.zip https://github.com/Scipioceaser/Godot-Thief-Controller/archive/8082abc64db345d35a6ce3fd71e812e1010da7ce.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Scipioceaser/Godot-Thief-Controller/master/icon.png