Edit of asset "FileSystemView" Accepted

Old/Current New/Edit
Title FileSystemView
Description A Godot tool like FileSystem dock, allows you to customize filters(views) to work with project resources.
Changes in 1.5:
1. (Important) Since 1.5, this plugin saves settings with json format, and you may need to update your settings manually.
2. Multi-select and dragging are fully supported. You can now drag files freely.
Bugs related to `ImportDock` are also fixed.
3. Remade context menu provides useful functions (more in future):
- Play selected scene
- Copy paths for multiple files
4. Support for resource thumbnails.
Click "View Files" for more details.
A Godot tool like FileSystem dock, allows you to customize filters(views) to work with project resources.
Click "View Files" for more details.
Category Tools
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/zaevi/godot-filesystem-view
Issues Url https://github.com/zaevi/godot-filesystem-view/issues
Godot version Godot 3.3
Version String 1.5 1.1
Download Commit bcdd21530cb843401eb048c5fd13e9de4c0c35e6 b2f879175945a5f105241aa81f9c62b735bb95b7
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/zaevi/godot-filesystem-view/archive/bcdd21530cb843401eb048c5fd13e9de4c0c35e6.zip https://github.com/zaevi/godot-filesystem-view/archive/b2f879175945a5f105241aa81f9c62b735bb95b7.zip
Icon Url https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12966814/86587281-e6314680-bfbb-11ea-923d-7e1695677a8f.png

Notice: Undefined index: thumbnail in /var/www/asset-library.godotengine.org/public/templates/asset_edit.phtml on line 150
Preview Update
Type image
Image/Video URL https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12966814/90251893-1f898b80-de71-11ea-9a03-49f3c1dce84f.gif
Notice: Undefined index: thumbnail in /var/www/asset-library.godotengine.org/public/templates/asset_edit.phtml on line 165

Notice: Undefined index: thumbnail in /var/www/asset-library.godotengine.org/public/templates/asset_edit.phtml on line 150
Preview Update
Type image
Image/Video URL https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12966814/90253045-20232180-de73-11ea-86ef-f89af3eabbba.png
Notice: Undefined index: thumbnail in /var/www/asset-library.godotengine.org/public/templates/asset_edit.phtml on line 165