Edit of asset "VR Mobile Camera" Accepted

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Title VR Mobile Camera
Description This node plug-in for Gotot Engine enable a new kind of 3D camera, you can use it with phone vr headset or cardboard.
It provide screen split for stereoscopic vision and head tracking by using accelerometer and gyroscope sensor on the phone, if gyroscope is not found, magnetometer will be used as fall back.
Gyroscope data are matched with accelerometer data so to have a very accurate and responsive tracking, unfortunately only hi-end phones provide gyroscope, so, magnetometer is supported too.
Magnetometer outputs a very noisy data, so, the signal is filtered in order to make it usable. The drawback of filtering data is that you introduce a lag. You can balance noise and lag by modifying the Magnetometer Interpolation parameter in the camera inspector.

- v.0.5 initial release
- v.0.6 only some mess with github
- v.0.7 added support for interactive objects
This node plug-in for Gotot Engine enable a new kind of 3D camera, you can use it with phone vr headset or cardboard.
It provide screen split for stereoscopic vision and head tracking by using accelerometer and gyroscope sensor on the phone, if gyroscope is not found, magnetometer will be used as fall back.
Gyroscope data are matched with accelerometer data so to have a very accurate and responsive tracking, unfortunately only hi-end phones provide gyroscope, so, magnetometer is supported too.
Magnetometer outputs a very noisy data, so, the signal is filtered in order to make it usable. The drawback of filtering data is that you introduce a lag. You can balance noise and lag by modifying the Magnetometer Interpolation parameter in the camera inspector.

- v.0.5 initial release
- v.0.6 only some mess with github
- v.0.7 added support for interactive objects
Category 3D Tools
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/OfficinePixel/vr_mobile_camera
Issues Url https://github.com/OfficinePixel/vr_mobile_camera/issues
Godot version Godot 2.1
Version String 0.7 0.7
Download Commit v.0.7 v.0.7
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/OfficinePixel/vr_mobile_camera/archive/v.0.7.zip https://github.com/OfficinePixel/vr_mobile_camera/archive/v.0.7.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OfficinePixel/vr_mobile_camera/v.0.7/icon.png