Edit of asset "GDScript Utilities for Classes and Scenes" Accepted

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Title GDScript Utilities for Classes and Scenes GDScript Utilities for Classes and Scenes
Description Utility functions to ease evaluations of class types and PackedScene files.

- ClassUtils: convert and compare between name <--> type of both native classes and user scripts.
- PackedSceneUtils: extract useful information from the nodes of any scene file.
- VariantUtils: Bonus feature! Provides a few extra utilities, like identifying if a variable is any type of array.

Visit the GitHub page or read the README file for more info on usage and limitations.
Utility functions to ease evaluations of class types and PackedScene files.

- ClassUtils: convert and compare between name <--> type of both native classes and user scripts.
- PackedSceneUtils: extract useful information from the nodes of any scene file.
- VariantUtils: Bonus feature! Provides a few extra utilities, like identifying if a variable is any type of array.

Visit the GitHub page or read the README file for more info on usage and limitations.
Category Scripts Scripts
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/WagnerGFX/gdscript_utilities https://github.com/WagnerGFX/gdscript_utilities
Issues Url https://github.com/WagnerGFX/gdscript_utilities/issues https://github.com/WagnerGFX/gdscript_utilities/issues
Godot version Godot 4.2 Godot 4.2
Version String 1.0.0 1.0.0
Download Commit 340eb3af77cca96143f1869f8e4c194ee5030e5c 340eb3af77cca96143f1869f8e4c194ee5030e5c
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/WagnerGFX/gdscript_utilities/archive/340eb3af77cca96143f1869f8e4c194ee5030e5c.zip https://github.com/WagnerGFX/gdscript_utilities/archive/340eb3af77cca96143f1869f8e4c194ee5030e5c.zip
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