Edit of asset "Godot Cookies" Accepted

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Title Godot Cookies Godot Cookies
Description Easily store options on-device in Godot 4. This is useful for storing user settings such as volume and keybindings.

Godot Cookies stores data as indented JSON making it easy to understand and edit manually.

The package can easily be installed through NuGet.

NOTE: v1.1 only supports Godot 4.4-beta2. For Godot 4.3, use v1.0.
Easily store options on-device in Godot 4. This is useful for storing user settings such as volume and keybindings.

Godot Cookies stores data as indented JSON making it easy to understand and edit manually.

The package can easily be installed through NuGet.

NOTE: v1.1 only supports Godot 4.4-beta2. For Godot 4.3, use v1.0.
Category Scripts Scripts
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/Joy-less/GodotCookies https://github.com/Joy-less/GodotCookies
Issues Url https://github.com/Joy-less/GodotCookies/issues https://github.com/Joy-less/GodotCookies/issues
Godot version Godot 4.3 Godot 4.3
Version String 1.1 1.1
Download Commit 1d6773474f573d88769f7db023d9cbbf8a4f70b9 1d6773474f573d88769f7db023d9cbbf8a4f70b9
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/Joy-less/GodotCookies/archive/1d6773474f573d88769f7db023d9cbbf8a4f70b9.zip https://github.com/Joy-less/GodotCookies/archive/1d6773474f573d88769f7db023d9cbbf8a4f70b9.zip
Icon Url https://game-icons.net/icons/ffffff/000000/1x1/delapouite/cookie.png