Edit of asset "Baked Lipsync" Accepted

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Title Baked Lipsync Baked Lipsync
Description Godot plugin to automatically generate and play lip animation in sync with pre-recorded audio, baked into lipsync animation resources. Uses Rhubarb under the hood to identify mouth shape data in time with your audio, so you can animate talking characters.

The plugin adds a tool in the editor to bake animation data from audio files, and when running the game, a special node emits signals every time you need to change the mouth shape. All you have to do is use that signal to change the mouth shape of your characters. (Both 2D and 3D examples provided.)

The animation is baked from recorded audio - it does not support generating on the fly with real time microphone (it's not like Oculus' OVRLipsync).
Godot plugin to automatically generate and play lip animation in sync with pre-recorded audio, baked into lipsync animation resources. Uses Rhubarb under the hood to identify mouth shape data in time with your audio, so you can animate talking characters.

The plugin adds a tool in the editor to bake animation data from audio files, and when running the game, a special node emits signals every time you need to change the mouth shape. All you have to do is use that signal to change the mouth shape of your characters. (Both 2D and 3D examples provided.)

The animation is baked from recorded audio - it does not support generating on the fly with real time microphone (it's not like Oculus' OVRLipsync).
Category Tools Tools
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/fbcosentino/godot-baked-lipsync https://github.com/fbcosentino/godot-baked-lipsync
Issues Url https://github.com/fbcosentino/godot-baked-lipsync/issues https://github.com/fbcosentino/godot-baked-lipsync/issues
Godot version Godot 4.3 Godot 4.3
Version String 1.0 1.0
Download Commit f3619c19f5e0a486b3c58c2d174b1169516bf5c7 f3619c19f5e0a486b3c58c2d174b1169516bf5c7
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/fbcosentino/godot-baked-lipsync/archive/f3619c19f5e0a486b3c58c2d174b1169516bf5c7.zip https://github.com/fbcosentino/godot-baked-lipsync/archive/f3619c19f5e0a486b3c58c2d174b1169516bf5c7.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fbcosentino/godot-baked-lipsync/refs/heads/main/addons/baked_lipsync/images/plugin_icon.png
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Image/Video URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fbcosentino/godot-baked-lipsync/refs/heads/main/addons/baked_lipsync/images/docs/lipsync_panel.png
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Image/Video URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fbcosentino/godot-baked-lipsync/refs/heads/main/addons/baked_lipsync/images/docs/editor_panel2.png
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Type video
Image/Video URL https://github.com/fbcosentino/godot-baked-lipsync/raw/refs/heads/main/addons/baked_lipsync/images/docs/baked_lipsync_examples.mp4