Edit of asset "Eye Dropper - Palette swapper shader" Accepted

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Title Eye Dropper - Palette swapper shader
Description Eye Dropper is a shader (GDShader) that helps with quick color palette swapping easily customizable through shader parameters.

This shader is a canvas_item type of shader that was meant, at least initially, to be used with CanvasItems nodes in Godot. Contributions are welcome to make a 3D version (To contribute, visit the GitHub repository, available in this page).

With this shader, you can configure your palettes through textures or through color arrays, or even use both options, if it's more convenient to you.

This project is fully documented so that you can understand what each function or property does, just check it out in the eye_dropper.gdshader file!

To be able to use the palette arrays with various colors, make sure to tweak the max_palette_array_size constant in the shader file so that it attends your project's needs. By default it is set to 4, which means that only 4 colors are allowed at maximum using the arrays, but, as mentioned, that's easily tweakable.

I hope this shader helps you with your project! :D

*This project was tested with Godot 4.3.
Category Shaders
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/nadjiel/eye-dropper/
Issues Url https://github.com/nadjiel/eye-dropper/issues
Godot version Godot 4.3
Version String 1.0.0
Download Commit dcf4af1a0bf3304a4ed6fdd10df1b5a8df92106d
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/nadjiel/eye-dropper/archive/dcf4af1a0bf3304a4ed6fdd10df1b5a8df92106d.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nadjiel/eye-dropper/refs/heads/main/assets/icon.png
Preview Update
Type image
Image/Video URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nadjiel/eye-dropper/refs/heads/main/assets/pictures/picture1.png
Notice: Undefined index: thumbnail in /var/www/asset-library.godotengine.org/public/templates/asset_edit.phtml on line 153

Preview Insert
Type image
Image/Video URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nadjiel/eye-dropper/refs/heads/main/assets/pictures/picture3.png