Edit of asset "Godot TOML Parser" Accepted

Old/Current New/Edit
Title Godot TOML Parser Godot TOML Parser
Description A Godot TOML parser for Godot 3.x

var toml = TOMLParser.new() # Define the parser in your script

var file = toml.parse("res://file.toml") # Load your TOML file from a specified path

# After that, it behaves exactly like a dictionary

Current Issues
-Octal and binary numbers aren't supported
-Complex Date-time (eg. 1979-05-27T00:32:00.999999-07:00) isn't valid
-Multi-lined strings can't start on a new line
-Multi-lined arrays aren't supported
A Godot TOML parser for Godot 3.x

var toml = TOMLParser.new() # Define the parser in your script

var file = toml.parse("res://file.toml") # Load your TOML file from a specified path

# After that, it behaves exactly like a dictionary

Current Issues
-Octal and binary numbers aren't supported
-Complex Date-time (eg. 1979-05-27T00:32:00.999999-07:00) isn't valid
-Multi-lined strings can't start on a new line
-Multi-lined arrays aren't supported
Category Misc Misc
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/XBenichi/Godot-TOML-Parser https://github.com/XBenichi/Godot-TOML-Parser
Issues Url https://github.com/XBenichi/Godot-TOML-Parser/issues https://github.com/XBenichi/Godot-TOML-Parser/issues
Godot version Godot 3.6 Godot 3.6
Version String 1.01 1.01
Download Commit a29b492cd80f7ceeb50628c4cf0a8a430f46d50c a29b492cd80f7ceeb50628c4cf0a8a430f46d50c
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/XBenichi/Godot-TOML-Parser/archive/a29b492cd80f7ceeb50628c4cf0a8a430f46d50c.zip https://github.com/XBenichi/Godot-TOML-Parser/archive/a29b492cd80f7ceeb50628c4cf0a8a430f46d50c.zip
Icon Url https://benichi.neocities.org/icon.png