Edit of asset "Noise Shader" Accepted

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Title Noise Shader
Description This addon adds 4 CompositorEffects that can be added to cameras. These shaders take the color output of the camera and uses it to adjust their images. This creates an image that can only be seen while its playing.

Cycling Noise:
This effect cycles through different shades of white and black to create a cycling image. The brighter the input pixel, the faster the shader updates.

Sliding Noise
This effect moves pixels every frame to create a sliding effect. All moving pixels move at the same exact speed.

Variable Sliding Noise
Very similar to the other sliding noise effect, but brighter pixels move faster. Darker pixels will slide at a lower frame rate, which conveys depth.

Colorful Noise
Equivalent to the cycling noise, but can cycle color too. The red channel controls pixel value, and the green channel controls color.
This addon adds 4 CompositorEffects that can be added to cameras. These shaders take the color output of the camera and uses it to adjust their images. This creates an image that can only be seen while its playing.

Cycling Noise:
This effect cycles through different shades of white and black to create a cycling image. The brighter the input pixel, the faster the shader updates.

Sliding Noise
This effect moves pixels every frame to create a sliding effect. All moving pixels move at the same exact speed.

Variable Sliding Noise
Very similar to the other sliding noise effect, but brighter pixels move faster. Darker pixels will slide at a lower frame rate, which conveys depth.

Colorful Noise
Equivalent to the cycling noise, but can cycle color too. The red channel controls pixel value, and the green channel controls color.
Category Shaders
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/brantagames/noise-shader
Issues Url https://github.com/brantagames/noise-shader/issues
Godot version Godot 4.3
Version String 1.2 1.2
Download Commit 1d9113f368a940fde5aea70adb9325cacfd336b4 1d9113f368a940fde5aea70adb9325cacfd336b4
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/brantagames/noise-shader/archive/1d9113f368a940fde5aea70adb9325cacfd336b4.zip https://github.com/brantagames/noise-shader/archive/1d9113f368a940fde5aea70adb9325cacfd336b4.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brantagames/noise-shader/refs/heads/main/icon.png

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Preview Update
Type image video
Image/Video URL https://img.itch.zone/aW1hZ2UvMzA1OTg4Mi8xODg5MjA3OS5wbmc=/original/QBvrFL.png

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Preview Update
Type video image
Image/Video URL https://youtu.be/Bg3RAI8uyVw

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Preview Update
Type video
Image/Video URL https://youtu.be/AwnS3DNUhcs

Thumbnail https://img.youtube.com/vi/Bg3RAI8uyVw/default.jpg