Edit of asset "Godot Object Pool" Accepted

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Title Godot Object Pool Godot Object Pool
Description Godot object pool. Used to instantiate a pool of objects using a user-defined pool size, PackedScene, and prefix. Some convenience methods exposed allowing a pool.get_next_dead() to fetch the next available object from the pool. Godot object pool. Used to instantiate a pool of objects using a user-defined pool size, PackedScene, and prefix. Some convenience methods exposed allowing a pool.get_next_dead() to fetch the next available object from the pool.
Category Scripts
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/brandonlamb/godot-object-pool
Issues Url https://github.com/brandonlamb/godot-object-pool/issues
Godot version Godot 3.0
Version String 1.0.8
Download Commit v1.0.8
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/brandonlamb/godot-object-pool/archive/v1.0.8.zip https://github.com/brandonlamb/godot-object-pool/archive/v1.0.8.zip
Icon Url https://github.com/brandonlamb/godot-object-pool/raw/master/addons/godot-object-pool/icon.png