Edit of asset "Godot Improved JSON" Accepted

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Title Godot Improved JSON
Description JSON support for all variant types, including native & custom objects with property injection from JSON.

- Provides a JSONSerialization autoloaded/globally accessible class with several functions for converting any type to/from JSON.
- All Variant.Types are supported; no longer will your StringName be deserialized as a String, or your int as a float. Types are deserialized as the exact type they were when serialized.
- Custom & Native object support (including resources, nodes, anything that extends Object).
- Configurations for each class define what is to be serialized, only including the properties that you define thus compacting JSON making for smaller files, quicker load & save times.
- Assign an id to each class's config, and a json_key to each property. This allows you to change class names, script paths, & property names without having to modify JSON referencing old class names or paths. Simply update the JSON config for the class that changed.
- Automatically instantiate a PackedScene from JSON for Node derived classes; keep your default values default!
- Editor tools for quickly creating JSON object configurations
- Ability to store "references" to local *.tres Resource files within JSON, and upon deserialization load the exact instance of that resource file.
JSON support for all variant types, including native & custom objects with property injection from JSON.

- Provides a JSONSerialization autoloaded/globally accessible class with several functions for converting any type to/from JSON.
- All Variant.Types are supported; no longer will your StringName be deserialized as a String, or your int as a float. Types are deserialized as the exact type they were when serialized.
- Custom & Native object support (including resources, nodes, anything that extends Object).
- Configurations for each class define what is to be serialized, only including the properties that you define thus compacting JSON making for smaller files, quicker load & save times.
- Assign an id to each class's config, and a json_key to each property. This allows you to change class names, script paths, & property names without having to modify JSON referencing old class names or paths. Simply update the JSON config for the class that changed.
- Automatically instantiate a PackedScene from JSON for Node derived classes; keep your default values default!
- Editor tools for quickly creating JSON object configurations
- Ability to store "references" to local *.tres Resource files within JSON, and upon deserialization load the exact instance of that resource file.
Category Tools
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/neth392/godot-improved-json
Issues Url https://github.com/neth392/godot-improved-json/issues
Godot version Godot 4.3
Version String 1.2.0
Download Commit c05bee6d8e09bfbbd8cac8d68303afac41acbe8c
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/neth392/godot-improved-json/archive/c05bee6d8e09bfbbd8cac8d68303afac41acbe8c.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/neth392/godot-improved-json/main/icon.png