Edit of asset "Tiny Treats - Charming Kitchen set" Accepted

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Title Tiny Treats - Charming Kitchen set Tiny Treats - Charming Kitchen set
Description This is a collection of cute stylized low-poly game assets, perfect for building a cozy kitchen in your game. The set contains various countertops, a stove, a large fridge, floors/walls/doors, and plenty of decoration pieces to give life to your little kitchen. These assets are ideal for creating a little cooking game or designing a small kitchen scene for a life-simulation game.


- 34+ Stylised low-poly 3D models, perfect for games across all platforms, including mobile.
- Textured using a single gradient atlas texture (1024x1024) that can be downsampled up to 128x128 for further optimization.
- Free for personal and commercial use, no attribution required. (CC0 Licensed)
This is a collection of cute stylized low-poly game assets, perfect for building a cozy kitchen in your game. The set contains various countertops, a stove, a large fridge, floors/walls/doors, and plenty of decoration pieces to give life to your little kitchen. These assets are ideal for creating a little cooking game or designing a small kitchen scene for a life-simulation game.


- 34+ Stylised low-poly 3D models, perfect for games across all platforms, including mobile.
- Textured using a single gradient atlas texture (1024x1024) that can be downsampled up to 128x128 for further optimization.
- Free for personal and commercial use, no attribution required. (CC0 Licensed)
Category 3D Tools 3D Tools
License CC0 CC0
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/TinyTreats-Game-Assets/Tiny-Treats-Charming-Kitchen-1.0 https://github.com/TinyTreats-Game-Assets/Tiny-Treats-Charming-Kitchen-1.0
Issues Url https://github.com/TinyTreats-Game-Assets/Tiny-Treats-Charming-Kitchen-1.0/issues https://github.com/TinyTreats-Game-Assets/Tiny-Treats-Charming-Kitchen-1.0/issues
Godot version Godot 4.1 Godot 4.1
Version String 1.0 1.0
Download Commit 094b2e12d57e2ae847a749d40f5fcd14d1eef83b 094b2e12d57e2ae847a749d40f5fcd14d1eef83b
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/TinyTreats-Game-Assets/Tiny-Treats-Charming-Kitchen-1.0/archive/094b2e12d57e2ae847a749d40f5fcd14d1eef83b.zip https://github.com/TinyTreats-Game-Assets/Tiny-Treats-Charming-Kitchen-1.0/archive/094b2e12d57e2ae847a749d40f5fcd14d1eef83b.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TinyTreats-Game-Assets/Tiny-Treats-Charming-Kitchen-1.0/main/icon.png
Preview Insert
Type image
Image/Video URL https://img.itch.zone/aW1hZ2UvMjk0OTk1MS8xNzY1NTU3MS5wbmc=/original/rrNc4%2F.png
Thumbnail https://img.itch.zone/aW1hZ2UvMjk0OTk1MS8xNzY1NTU3MS5wbmc=/original/rrNc4%2F.png
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Type image
Image/Video URL https://img.itch.zone/aW1hZ2UvMjk0OTk1MS8xNzY1NTU3Mi5wbmc=/original/0wDWne.png
Thumbnail https://img.itch.zone/aW1hZ2UvMjk0OTk1MS8xNzY1NTU3Mi5wbmc=/original/0wDWne.png