Edit of asset "Godot-MMD" Accepted

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Title Godot-MMD Godot-MMD
Description Only support Godot 4.2 .NET. Godot 4.3 .NET is not yet supported.
This tool allow you Import PMX model. And import vmd animation to animate camera and model. This plugin depends on BulletSharpPInvoke.

You can get libbullectc.dll from BulletSharpPInvoke's demo. Copy it to project directory.

To compile BulletSharpPInvoke, you can check out my fork.

Video Tutorial (Chinese):
Only support Godot 4.2 .NET. Godot 4.3 .NET is not yet supported.
This tool allow you Import PMX model. And import vmd animation to animate camera and model. This plugin depends on BulletSharpPInvoke.

You can get libbullectc.dll from BulletSharpPInvoke's demo. Copy it to project directory.

To compile BulletSharpPInvoke, you can check out my fork.

Video Tutorial (Chinese):
Category Demos Demos
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/sselecirPyM/Godot-MMD https://github.com/sselecirPyM/Godot-MMD
Issues Url https://github.com/sselecirPyM/Godot-MMD/issues https://github.com/sselecirPyM/Godot-MMD/issues
Godot version Godot 4.2 Godot 4.2
Version String 0.1 0.1
Download Commit 81a7a1d1f3efd8d5c121b2d7223411c9a99577e1 81a7a1d1f3efd8d5c121b2d7223411c9a99577e1
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/sselecirPyM/Godot-MMD/archive/81a7a1d1f3efd8d5c121b2d7223411c9a99577e1.zip https://github.com/sselecirPyM/Godot-MMD/archive/81a7a1d1f3efd8d5c121b2d7223411c9a99577e1.zip
Icon Url https://image.makkapakka.date/godotmmd.jpg
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Image/Video URL https://image.makkapakka.date/godotmmd2.jpg
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Image/Video URL https://image.makkapakka.date/godotmmd3.jpg