Edit of asset "TimeRewind2D" Accepted

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Title TimeRewind2D TimeRewind2D
Description TimeRewind2D is a plugin for the Godot engine that allows developers to implement time manipulation mechanics in 2D games. It enables the rewinding of specific properties of 2D objects, pausing the processing of selected nodes during rewinds, and provides the foundation for creating areas with customized time flow (work in progress). This plugin offers an easy way to add time-based features to your project, such as reversing object movements or creating time-stopping effects. TimeRewind2D is a plugin for the Godot engine that allows developers to implement time manipulation mechanics in 2D games. It enables the rewinding of specific properties of 2D objects, pausing the processing of selected nodes during rewinds, and provides the foundation for creating areas with customized time flow (work in progress). This plugin offers an easy way to add time-based features to your project, such as reversing object movements or creating time-stopping effects.
Category 2D Tools 2D Tools
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/ImTani/godot-time-rewind-2d/ https://github.com/ImTani/godot-time-rewind-2d/
Issues Url https://github.com/ImTani/godot-time-rewind-2d/issues https://github.com/ImTani/godot-time-rewind-2d/issues
Godot version Godot 4.2 Godot 4.2
Version String 0.5.1 0.1.1
Download Commit fc04aefbb3a20fd3c491c1f65e759db8048a1bc6 b0bf9c58f30b836907221bd6f29af3cfe6931bf9
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/ImTani/godot-time-rewind-2d/archive/fc04aefbb3a20fd3c491c1f65e759db8048a1bc6.zip https://github.com/ImTani/godot-time-rewind-2d/archive/b0bf9c58f30b836907221bd6f29af3cfe6931bf9.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ImTani/godot-time-rewind-2d/main/addons/time_rewind_2d/essentials/icon.png
Preview Insert
Type image
Image/Video URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ImTani/godot-time-rewind-2d/main/docs/media/plugin_window.png
Thumbnail https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ImTani/godot-time-rewind-2d/main/docs/media/plugin_window.png
Preview Insert
Type image
Image/Video URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ImTani/godot-time-rewind-2d/main/docs/media/time_rewind_2d.png
Thumbnail https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ImTani/godot-time-rewind-2d/main/docs/media/time_rewind_2d.png