Edit of asset "MinTime (Clock)" Accepted

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Title MinTime (Clock)
Description I made this simple clock desktop app for my personal use to display the time. It has stopwatch and timer.
I was experimenting use of Godot to build the GUI applications and I had fun while building this. Hope this project can be helpful for some people who are just starting. Feel free to drop the suggestion about the things related to this project. Also don't forget to go to Github page show some love.

You are free to modify and contribute to this project however you like.
I made this simple clock desktop app for my personal use to display the time. It has stopwatch and timer.
I was experimenting use of Godot to build the GUI applications and I had fun while building this. Hope this project can be helpful for some people who are just starting. Feel free to drop the suggestion about the things related to this project. Also don't forget to go to Github page show some love.

You are free to modify and contribute to this project however you like.
Category Projects
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/cold-atom/MinTime
Issues Url https://github.com/cold-atom/MinTime/issues
Godot version Godot 4.2
Version String 1.0
Download Commit ba47a974e0411afd4eaacf635196724386821910 ba47a974e0411afd4eaacf635196724386821910
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/cold-atom/MinTime/archive/ba47a974e0411afd4eaacf635196724386821910.zip https://github.com/cold-atom/MinTime/archive/ba47a974e0411afd4eaacf635196724386821910.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cold-atom/MinTime/main/icon/mintime.png