Edit of asset "Better Terrain" Accepted

Old/Current New/Edit
Title Better Terrain
Description A replacement for Godot 4's TileMapLayer terrain system that allows for simpler, more flexible rules. It covers all features of Godot 3's autotiles, along with big improvements on Godot 4's rule system, and has a straightforward API for applying and updating terrains from code. A replacement for Godot 4's TileMapLayer terrain system that allows for simpler, more flexible rules. It covers all features of Godot 3's autotiles, along with big improvements on Godot 4's rule system, and has a straightforward API for applying and updating terrains from code.
Category 2D Tools
License Unlicense
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/Portponky/better-terrain
Issues Url https://github.com/Portponky/better-terrain/issues
Godot version Godot 4.3
Version String 1.1 1.1
Download Commit 1c66c9ce43d8e5150f28e532e0f6b8e983e4734f 42ce7d2490910d56610a3d9e2ff321daef0df8f1
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/Portponky/better-terrain/archive/1c66c9ce43d8e5150f28e532e0f6b8e983e4734f.zip https://github.com/Portponky/better-terrain/archive/42ce7d2490910d56610a3d9e2ff321daef0df8f1.zip
Icon Url https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/33663279/228499461-f0620b45-3d9e-4e2d-a3d0-8b69f7f7c24f.png