Edit of asset "Moving Platforms Animated - EASY" Accepted

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Title Moving Platforms Animated - EASY
Description Want to make a 2D moving platform in Godot? YouTube tutorials too hard and restricting? You've come to the right place, it's never been more simple!
- Tested on Godot 4.3 (But probably works on older and newer versions) -

1. Start by dropping the Platform scene into your Level
2. Right click it in the scene tree
3. Select Editable Children
4. Move the Marker2D and Boom! Moving Platforms!

- Platforms by default are set to "Auto", this mean that they will start moving when the level is loaded.
- Each platform will move independently from each other to it's selected Marker2D.
- Speed and the directed Marker can be changed from the Inspector of the AnimationPlayer.
- ColorRec and CollisionShape2D can be swapped out for whatever you wish to use, Tilemap is an option, whatever is inside the AnimatedBody2D 'Platform' will be moved with the animation.
- Animation by default has some easing, if you wish to remove the easing simply set Easing in Inspector of AnimationPlayer to 0 (0 is off).
- You can also change how long between moving, time at each station? with the Stopframe variable in the inspector, (0 is NO wait time).

- Repeat steps above, and use the additional options from the AnimationPlayer Inspector.
- There are 3 other options for activated platforms; "Move", "Hold2Move", "Hold2Open".
- "Move" is run so that whenever activator is pressed, a full animation forward and back will play.
- "Hold2Move" is run so that the platform will continuously play it's animation forward and back while the activator is pressed.
- "Hold2Open" is run so that while the activator is pressed, the platform will be at it's marker position, and when button is not pressed, it will be at it's original position.
- Activator is used to set the activator for the platform, you can drag in a provided "ActivatorButton" scene into your level and link it via the platform. This will make it so that the button can control the platform animation.
- However the activator can be used as any Node2D, as long as that node provides a custom signal of 'activated' and 'deactivated', then it will still work correctly with the platform.
- ALSO, the "ActivatorButton" has the option to Mimic a button, this is a super handy feature if you want two separate buttons to power the same platforms.
- But it also allows a button to mimic a button while also running a platform itself separately (it's easier to see if you just try the Demo scene)
- Mimic Button is not required to have a connected sister button, don't connect unless you want it to mimic another button!
Want to make a 2D moving platform in Godot? YouTube tutorials too hard and restricting? You've come to the right place, it's never been more simple!
- Tested on Godot 4.2.2 (But probably works on older and newer versions) -

1. Start by dropping the Platform scene into your Level
2. Right click it in the scene tree
3. Select Edit Children
4. Move the Marker2D and Boom! Moving Platforms!

- Each platform will move independently from each other.
- Speed and the directed Marker can be changed from the Inspector of the AnimationPlayer.
- ColorRec and CollisionShape2D can be swapped out for whatever you wish to use, Tilemap is an option, whatever is inside the AnimatedBody2D 'Platform' will be moved with the animation.
- Animation by default has some easing, if you wish to remove the easing simply set Easing in Inspector of AnimationPlayer to 0 (0 is off).
- You can also change how long between moving, time at each station? with the Stopframe variable in the inspector, (0 is NO wait time).

- Repeat steps above, and use the aditional options from the AnimationPlayer Inspector.
- Auto Start will make the platform a "non activated" platform and it will play it's animation back and forth uninterrupted.
- Loop will make the platform loops it's animation, (NOTE: It is recommended not to turn off loop and Autostart together, as it will not reactivate once activated once.)
- Activator is used to set the activator for the platform, you can drag in a provided "ActivatorButton" scene into your level and link it via the platform. This will make it so that the button can control the platform animation.
- If Loop is off, activating the button will make the platform do a full loop of it's animation once per click (When not playing).
- If Loop is on, pressing the button will move the platform while pressed and pause it's position when deactivated.
Category 2D Tools
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/LukeCGG/MovingPlatformsAnimatedEASY
Issues Url https://github.com/LukeCGG/MovingPlatformsAnimatedEASY/issues
Godot version Godot 4.0 Godot 4.2
Version String 1.8.1 1.5
Download Commit e6d534b0e27089d4da8947349224f37d6caf1744 8d14327e50cbd73d1271104ee0da13828e6735ff
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/LukeCGG/MovingPlatformsAnimatedEASY/archive/e6d534b0e27089d4da8947349224f37d6caf1744.zip https://github.com/LukeCGG/MovingPlatformsAnimatedEASY/archive/8d14327e50cbd73d1271104ee0da13828e6735ff.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LukeCGG/MovingPlatformsAnimatedEASY/main/logo.png