Edit of asset "Easy Savefiles" Accepted

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Title Easy Savefiles Easy Savefiles
Description Adds the EasySavefiles class to save/load/reset a set of project settings.
Through the methods save/load/reset_game/settings, each do the obvious.
The settings can be found on the ProjectSettings under the "assets/easy_settings/".
When saved, every ProjectSetting string goes through the following filters:
1. Setting is included if it matches the beginning of any Include string.
2. Exclude is ignored if its shorter than evaluated Include string.
3. Setting string is ignored if it matches any valid Exclude string.

These settings will also be saved on a "default" file, at project root, for resetting, since these settings could be changed, they are the only ones that would need to be reset.
If you wish to save these files with encryption, just create a "secrets.txt" file with either or both "addons_easy_savefiles_settings_password" or "addons_easy_savefiles_gamefile_password" on a single line each, followed by any number of spaces and then the password, followed by a linebreak, for example:
addons_easy_savefiles_settings_password you can use spaces
addons_easy_savefiles_gamefile_password remember the linebreak

Hopefully everything is easy to understand, its a very small addon, and I wanted to be the bare minimum, credit would be appreciated, but since its such a simple script, its not really necessary hahaha.
Check the repo for an extensive readme :)
Adds the EasySavefiles singleton to save/load/reset a set of project settings.
Through the methods save/load/reset_game/settings, each do the obvious.
The settings can be found on the ProjectSettings under the "assets/easy_settings/".
Every project setting that matches the beginning of any string on the "include" will be saved, unless the beginning also matches any of the "exclude" strings.
These settings will also be saved on a "default" file, at project root, for resetting, since these settings could be changed, they are the only ones that would need to be reset.
If you wish to save these files with encryption, just create a "secrets.txt" file with either or both "addons_easy_savefiles_settings_password" or "addons_easy_savefiles_gamefile_password" on a single line each, followed by any number of spaces and then the password, followed by a linebreak, for example:
addons_easy_savefiles_settings_password you can use spaces
addons_easy_savefiles_gamefile_password remember the linebreak

Hopefully everything is easy to understand, its a very small addon, and I wanted to be the bare minimum, credit would be appreciated, but since its such a simple script, its not really necessary hahaha.
Category Misc Misc
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider Custom Custom
Repository Url https://git.gay/kaneraZh/easy_savefiles https://git.gay/kaneraZh/easy_savefiles
Issues Url https://git.gay/kaneraZh/easy_savefiles/issues https://git.gay/kaneraZh/easy_savefiles/issues
Godot version Godot 4.0 Godot 4.0
Version String 1.2 1.0
Download Commit https://git.gay/kaneraZh/easy_savefiles/releases/download/1.2/easy_savefiles_1.2.zip https://git.gay/kaneraZh/easy_savefiles/releases/download/1.0/easy_savefiles_1.0.zip
Download Url (Computed) https://git.gay/kaneraZh/easy_savefiles/releases/download/1.2/easy_savefiles_1.2.zip https://git.gay/kaneraZh/easy_savefiles/releases/download/1.0/easy_savefiles_1.0.zip
Icon Url https://i.ibb.co/rHrVZpf/easy-savefiles.png