Edit of asset "Audio Node Wrangler Addon" Accepted

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Title Audio Node Wrangler Addon
Description With this add-on you can manage audio node volume and bus settings in the editor on one screen as well as an in-game HUD. This allows non-programmers to set sound levels and busses during play testing. The resulting configuration file can then be sent to the programmer to update the sound node settings with a click of a button. (See readme or project repository for full details. Demo available if full add-on repository is cloned.)
Category Tools
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/jhlothamer/audio_node_wrangler_addon
Issues Url https://github.com/jhlothamer/audio_node_wrangler_addon/issues
Godot version Godot 4.1
Version String 4.1.1 4.1.1
Download Commit 5b2c3cf6a8f6ba3fb850b9c52320cafb4597abb8 5b2c3cf6a8f6ba3fb850b9c52320cafb4597abb8
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/jhlothamer/audio_node_wrangler_addon/archive/5b2c3cf6a8f6ba3fb850b9c52320cafb4597abb8.zip https://github.com/jhlothamer/audio_node_wrangler_addon/archive/5b2c3cf6a8f6ba3fb850b9c52320cafb4597abb8.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jhlothamer/audio_node_wrangler_addon/main/audio_node_wrangler_addon.png