Edit of asset "GDScript Quality of Life" Accepted

Old/Current New/Edit
Title GDScript Quality of Life
Description GDScript Quality of Life (or GDSQoL) brings to you more quality of life and speed while programming in Godot.

Here is a list of features from this plugin:

- "Type var_name = value" to "var var_name: Type = value"
- "var_number++" to "var_number += 1" (also works with --)
- "var_number++ 2" to "var_number += 2" (also works with -- and any float)
- "var_bool!" to "var_bool = !var_bool"
- "class?" to "if class:"
- "class?method()" to "if class: class.method()"
- "method() cd" to "method.call_deferred()"
- "my_var = value sd" to "set_deferred("my_var", value)"
- "await 1" to "await get_tree().create_timer(1).timeout" (any float is valid)
- Declare multiple variables in the same line
- Auto correct indentation from pasted blocks to match the line above
- Auto replace set keywords to any line set by you at Editor -> Editor Settings -> GDScript QoL -> Change To
- Auto remove one indentation after return, break and continue
- On delete line, auto remove remaining indentation from middle of the line
- Auto add ":" at the end of "if" statements if they are not closed
- Auto find "if" above to match indentation when write "else" or "elif"
- Auto complete "match" with enum list if any
- Auto complete methods if write "func method_name"
- Optionally you can write the method return type and/or parameters, like "func name(param) Type"
- Auto create method from selection when shortcut is pressed (default is Ctrl + M)
- Update the line when Enter or the shortcut is pressed (default shortcut is Ctrl + U)

You may change or disable some of these settings at Editor -> Editor Settings -> GDScript QoL

To see a detailed tutorail, please visit the github page (click View files)
Category Tools
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/Herbherth/GDScript-Quality-of-Life
Issues Url https://github.com/Herbherth/GDScript-Quality-of-Life/issues
Godot version Godot 4.2
Version String 1.0.4 1.0.2
Download Commit 4c6554f65860ea53869749a72a24003ee75f8a74 cf964016efdbea83c73f7a9e4119004302896788
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/Herbherth/GDScript-Quality-of-Life/archive/4c6554f65860ea53869749a72a24003ee75f8a74.zip https://github.com/Herbherth/GDScript-Quality-of-Life/archive/cf964016efdbea83c73f7a9e4119004302896788.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Herbherth/GDScript-Quality-of-Life/main/images/icon.png