Edit of asset "GDScript Quality of Life" Accepted

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Title GDScript Quality of Life GDScript Quality of Life
Description GDScript Quality of Life (or GDSQoL) brings to you more quality of life and speed while programming in Godot.

Here is a list of features from this plugin:

- "Type var_name = value" to "var var_name: Type = value"
- "var_number++" to "var_number += 1" (also works with --)
- "var_number++ 2" to "var_number += 2" (also works with -- and any float)
- "var_bool!" to "var_bool = !var_bool"
- "class?" to "if class:"
- "class?method()" to "if class: class.method()"
- "method() cd" to "method.call_deferred()"
- "my_var = value sd" to "set_deferred("my_var", value)"
- "await 1" to "await get_tree().create_timer(1).timeout" (any float is valid)
- Declare multiple variables in the same line
- Auto correct indentation from pasted blocks to match the line above
- Auto replace set keywords to any line set by you at Editor -> Editor Settings -> GDScript QoL -> Change To
- Auto remove one indentation after return, break and continue
- On delete line, auto remove remaining indentation from middle of the line
- Auto add ":" at the end of "if" statements if they are not closed
- Auto find "if" above to match indentation when write "else" or "elif"
- Auto complete "match" with enum list if any
- Auto complete methods if write "func method_name"
- Optionally you can write the method return type and/or parameters, like "func name(param) Type"
- Auto create method from selection when shortcut is pressed (default is Ctrl + M)
- Update the line when Enter or the shortcut is pressed (default shortcut is Ctrl + U)

You may change or disable some of these settings at Editor -> Editor Settings -> GDScript QoL

To see a detailed tutorail, please visit the github page (click View files)
GDScript Quality of Life (or GDSQoL) brings to you more quality of life and speed while programming in Godot.

Here is a list of features from this plugin:

- "Type var_name = value" to "var var_name: Type = value"
- "var_number++" to "var_number += 1" (also works with --)
- "var_number++ 2" to "var_number += 2" (also works with -- and any float)
- "var_bool!" to "var_bool = !var_bool"
- "class?" to "if class:"
- "class?method()" to "if class: class.method()"
- "method() cd" to "method.call_deferred()"
- "my_var = value sd" to "set_deferred("my_var", value)"
- "await 1" to "await get_tree().create_timer(1).timeout" (any float is valid)
- Declare multiple variables in the same line
- Auto correct indentation from pasted blocks to match the line above
- Auto replace set keywords to any line set by you at Editor -> Editor Settings -> GDScript QoL -> Change To
- Auto remove one indentation after return, break and continue
- On delete line, auto remove remaining indentation from middle of the line
- Auto add ":" at the end of "if" statements if they are not closed
- Auto find "if" above to match indentation when write "else" or "elif"
- Auto complete "match" with enum list if any
- Auto complete methods if write "func method_name"
- Optionally you can write the method return type and/or parameters, like "func name(param) Type"
- Auto create method from selection when shortcut is pressed (default is Ctrl + M)
- Update the line when Enter or the shortcut is pressed (default shortcut is Ctrl + U)

You may change or disable some of these settings at Editor -> Editor Settings -> GDScript QoL

To see a detailed tutorail, please visit the github page (click View files)
Category Tools Scripts
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/Herbherth/GDScript-Quality-of-Life https://github.com/Herbherth/GDScript-Quality-of-Life
Issues Url https://github.com/Herbherth/GDScript-Quality-of-Life/issues https://github.com/Herbherth/GDScript-Quality-of-Life/issues
Godot version Godot 4.2 Godot 4.2
Version String 1.0.4 1.0.0
Download Commit 4c6554f65860ea53869749a72a24003ee75f8a74 112a14313a5bf835ca96865c2a2fffd04d3cb7e7
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/Herbherth/GDScript-Quality-of-Life/archive/4c6554f65860ea53869749a72a24003ee75f8a74.zip https://github.com/Herbherth/GDScript-Quality-of-Life/archive/112a14313a5bf835ca96865c2a2fffd04d3cb7e7.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Herbherth/GDScript-Quality-of-Life/main/images/icon.png
Preview Insert
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Image/Video URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Herbherth/GDScript-Quality-of-Life/main/images/enum.gif
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Image/Video URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Herbherth/GDScript-Quality-of-Life/main/images/func.gif
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Image/Video URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Herbherth/GDScript-Quality-of-Life/main/images/await_time.gif