Edit of asset "Most Simple Scene Loader" Accepted

Old/Current New/Edit
Title Most Simple Scene Loader
Description A basic straightforward scene loader with a loading screen for quick setup. Very simple and featureless. Ideal for rapid development and early project stages. Contains no unnecessary files or code.

Designed for a fast start, this asset requires no extensive documentation reading. Just dive into the code to understand its functionality and customize it later for your needs.

You can find an installation guide and some prepared customizations in the repository's README.
A basic straightforward scene loader with a loading screen for quick setup. Very simple and featureless. Ideal for rapid development and early project stages. Contains no unnecessary files or code.

Designed for a fast start, this asset requires no extensive documentation reading. Just dive into the code to understand its functionality and customize it later for your needs.

You can find an installation guide and some prepared customizations in the repository's README.
Category Scripts
License CC0
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/MikeAmputer/godot-simple-scene-loader
Issues Url https://github.com/MikeAmputer/godot-simple-scene-loader/issues
Godot version Godot 4.0
Version String 1.1 1.1
Download Commit c0fcabc23d45cef2cf0355650f56883028bc0a1c c0fcabc23d45cef2cf0355650f56883028bc0a1c
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/MikeAmputer/godot-simple-scene-loader/archive/c0fcabc23d45cef2cf0355650f56883028bc0a1c.zip https://github.com/MikeAmputer/godot-simple-scene-loader/archive/c0fcabc23d45cef2cf0355650f56883028bc0a1c.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MikeAmputer/godot-simple-scene-loader/master/_img/mssl_sq.png