Edit of asset "Complex Shape Creation" Accepted

Old/Current New/Edit
Title Complex Shape Creation
Description An addon for the Godot Engine which adds several functions for creating and modifying shapes, and a few nodes that uses those functions for creating visuals or for creating collision shapes.

These functions and nodes are written in GDScript to make them universally compatible. They are exposed to C# via wrapper classes in the `ComplexShapeCreation` namespace.

--- Nodes ---

Currently, there are 4 nodes:
- RegularPolygon2D < 'Polygon2D' - General purpose node for drawing shapes.
- SimplePolygon2D < 'Node2D' - counterpart to RegularPolygon2D that only draws simpler shapes.
- StarPolygon2D < 'Polygon2D' - Version of RegularPolygon2D for drawing stars.
- RegularCollisionPolygon2D < 'CollisionShape2D' - Node for creating both regular and star collision shapes.

--- Functions ---

Currently, functions used for creating shapes are split across the multiple nodes added. Most of them are in RegularPolygon2D.

Some exceptions are:
- a simplified version of 'get_shape_vertices' is in SimplePolygon2D.
- 'widen_polyline' and 'widen_multiline' are in RegularCollisionPolygon2D.
- 'get_star_vertices' is in StarPolygon2D.

The 'get_*' functions create shapes and returns a new 'PackedVector2Array'. All other functions modify the array passed in as the argument.
Category 2D Tools
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/9thAzure/Complex_Shape_Creation
Issues Url https://github.com/9thAzure/Complex_Shape_Creation/issues
Godot version Godot 4.2
Version String 2.1.1 2.1.1
Download Commit 45b71e133a5fc8cd31f4326dbfe350a4e517d206 45b71e133a5fc8cd31f4326dbfe350a4e517d206
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/9thAzure/Complex_Shape_Creation/archive/45b71e133a5fc8cd31f4326dbfe350a4e517d206.zip https://github.com/9thAzure/Complex_Shape_Creation/archive/45b71e133a5fc8cd31f4326dbfe350a4e517d206.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/9thAzure/Complex_Shape_Creation/476c6ee94b5e5687d549ccc76a658692e0aba6d9/images/regular_polygon_2d.png