Edit of asset "Godot Sync Spreadsheets" Accepted

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Title Godot Sync Spreadsheets Godot Sync Spreadsheets
Description This is a plugin for Godot 4+ that allows to synchronize CSV files with Google Spreadsheets from Godot.

It's useful for having translations or collaborative databases on Spreadsheets and synchronize them with your game when you create without downloading on every change, just click a button from editor.
This is a plugin for Godot 4+ that allows to synchronize CSV files with Google Spreadsheets from Godot.

It's useful for having translations or collaborative databases on Spreadsheets and synchronize them with your game when you create without downloading on every change, just click a button from editor.
Category Tools Tools
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/eliasc9/godot_sync_spreadsheets https://github.com/eliasc9/godot_sync_spreadsheets
Issues Url https://github.com/eliasc9/godot_sync_spreadsheets/issues https://github.com/eliasc9/godot_sync_spreadsheets/issues
Godot version Godot 4.0 Godot 4.0
Version String 1.0.0 1.0.0
Download Commit 5da18431a4c4bf92a1a4f33674a1ff9d1437ed53 21fbc86f4fddc533bf429fa0bb1f34049e80f4c9
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/eliasc9/godot_sync_spreadsheets/archive/5da18431a4c4bf92a1a4f33674a1ff9d1437ed53.zip https://github.com/eliasc9/godot_sync_spreadsheets/archive/21fbc86f4fddc533bf429fa0bb1f34049e80f4c9.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eliasc9/godot_sync_spreadsheets/main/docs/sync_spreadsheets.png