Edit of asset "AABB Static BoxCollider from Mesh" Accepted

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Title AABB Static BoxCollider from Mesh AABB Static BoxCollider from Mesh
Description Adds a button to the 3D panel when selecting a MeshInstance3D that can used to generate a StaticBody3D and CollisionShape3D for the AABB of the selected mesh. It generates the above nodes as children of the mesh. Adds a button to the 3D panel when selecting a MeshInstance3D that can used to generate a StaticBody3D and CollisionShape3D for the AABB of the selected mesh. It generates the above nodes as children of the mesh.
Category 3D Tools 3D Tools
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/Rybadour/AABB-Box-from-Mesh-Godot-Plugin https://github.com/Rybadour/AABB-Box-from-Mesh-Godot-Plugin
Issues Url https://github.com/Rybadour/AABB-Box-from-Mesh-Godot-Plugin/issues https://github.com/Rybadour/AABB-Box-from-Mesh-Godot-Plugin/issues
Godot version Godot 4.0 Godot 4.0
Version String 0.1 0.1
Download Commit a61ef335f76a7a9699ae5b7152c47e309fa31e94 a61ef335f76a7a9699ae5b7152c47e309fa31e94
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/Rybadour/AABB-Box-from-Mesh-Godot-Plugin/archive/a61ef335f76a7a9699ae5b7152c47e309fa31e94.zip https://github.com/Rybadour/AABB-Box-from-Mesh-Godot-Plugin/archive/a61ef335f76a7a9699ae5b7152c47e309fa31e94.zip
Icon Url https://vt-vtwa-assets.varsitytutors.com/vt-vtwa/uploads/problem_question_image/image/1346/Cube__PSF_.png