Edit of asset "Godot Buddy (Groq API)" Accepted

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Title Godot Buddy (Groq API) Godot Buddy (Groq API)
Description GodotBuddy is an advanced plugin for the Godot 4 Engine designed to assist you in coding and game design. It leverages AI to provide intelligent code suggestions, documentation, and more, all within the Godot Editor.

## Features

- **AI-Powered Code Assistance**: Get real-time code suggestions and improvements.
- **File Content Replacement**: Automatically replace file references with their contents.
- **Chat History**: Maintain a history of your interactions with the AI.
- **API Key Management**: Securely store and manage your API key.

## Usage

1. **Open the GodotBuddy Dock**: Once enabled, you will see the GodotBuddy dock on the right side of the editor.
2. **Enter Your API Key**: Input your API key in the provided field. The key will be saved.
a. Acquire free or paid keys from [Groq.com Keys Dashboard](https://console.groq.com/keys)
3. **Interact with the AI**: Type your queries or code in the text editor and press the submit button. The AI will respond with suggestions or code snippets.

You can use `@filename.gd` to reference a file in the editor, regardless of subdirectory. (finds first match, use a full path if you have multiple files with the same name)
GodotBuddy is an advanced plugin for the Godot 4 Engine designed to assist you in coding and game design. It leverages AI to provide intelligent code suggestions, documentation, and more, all within the Godot Editor.

## Features

- **AI-Powered Code Assistance**: Get real-time code suggestions and improvements.
- **File Content Replacement**: Automatically replace file references with their contents.
- **Chat History**: Maintain a history of your interactions with the AI.
- **API Key Management**: Securely store and manage your API key.

## Usage

1. **Open the GodotBuddy Dock**: Once enabled, you will see the GodotBuddy dock on the right side of the editor.
2. **Enter Your API Key**: Input your API key in the provided field. The key will be saved.
a. Acquire free or paid keys from [Groq.com Keys Dashboard](https://console.groq.com/keys)
3. **Interact with the AI**: Type your queries or code in the text editor and press the submit button. The AI will respond with suggestions or code snippets.

You can use `@filename.gd` to reference a file in the editor, regardless of subdirectory. (finds first match, use a full path if you have multiple files with the same name)
Category Scripts Scripts
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/m4yc3x/godotbuddy https://github.com/m4yc3x/godotbuddy
Issues Url https://github.com/m4yc3x/godotbuddy/issues https://github.com/m4yc3x/godotbuddy/issues
Godot version Godot 4.1 Godot 4.1
Version String 0.1 0.1
Download Commit 772c5f38ed22f524271e0fd820461ab15f873d92 772c5f38ed22f524271e0fd820461ab15f873d92
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/m4yc3x/godotbuddy/archive/772c5f38ed22f524271e0fd820461ab15f873d92.zip https://github.com/m4yc3x/godotbuddy/archive/772c5f38ed22f524271e0fd820461ab15f873d92.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/m4yc3x/godotbuddy/main/gbicon.jpg