Edit of asset "Structs" Accepted

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Title Structs Structs
Description A struct implementation in gdscript using Godot's Server/Resource pattern. Structs are an abstraction over type safe and highly memory efficient data pools.

Tests comparing memory overhead of Objects, Resources, Nodes, and Node2D's have shown at least 25x less memory usage for cheaper Objects and over 35x less memory usage for more complex objects like Node2D's while maintaining comparable get/set speeds.

The Struct "server" extends Resource, and is inherently able to serialize/deserialize entire struct collections.

See the repository for usage information and examples.
A struct implementation in gdscript using Godot's Server/Resource pattern. Structs are an abstraction over type safe and highly memory efficient data pools.

Tests comparing memory overhead of Objects, Resources, Nodes, and Node2D's have shown at least 25x less memory usage for cheaper Objects and over 35x less memory usage for more complex objects like Node2D's while maintaining comparable get/set speeds.

The Struct "server" extends Resource, and is inherently able to serialize/deserialize entire struct collections.

See the repository for usage information and examples.
Category Scripts Scripts
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/Anaxarchus/gdscript-structs https://github.com/Anaxarchus/gdscript-structs
Issues Url https://github.com/Anaxarchus/gdscript-structs/issues https://github.com/Anaxarchus/gdscript-structs/issues
Godot version Godot 4.2 Godot 4.2
Version String 1.0 0.1
Download Commit 553719c3826642ae380bebf0e3e830ac9f481a10 86f742bca51003fcd06b4f3ec02bac3a24bc3234
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/Anaxarchus/gdscript-structs/archive/553719c3826642ae380bebf0e3e830ac9f481a10.zip https://github.com/Anaxarchus/gdscript-structs/archive/86f742bca51003fcd06b4f3ec02bac3a24bc3234.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Anaxarchus/gdscript-structs/main/addons/structs/mac256.png
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Image/Video URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Anaxarchus/gdscript-structs/main/test/Memory100k.png