Edit of asset "Card3D" Accepted

Old/Current New/Edit
Title Card3D Card3D
Description This is a simple and handy library for managing 3D cards in Godot. With drag-and-drop support, you can easily move and reorder cards within and between collections. Look and feel inspired by Hearthstone.

This library is designed to be flexible and extendable for any card game. It offers a basic framework that you can easily adapt to suit your specific needs.
This is a simple and handy library for managing 3D cards in Godot. With drag-and-drop support, you can easily move and reorder cards within and between collections. Look and feel inspired by Hearthstone.

This library is designed to be flexible and extendable for any card game. It offers a basic framework that you can easily adapt to suit your specific needs.
Category 3D Tools 3D Tools
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/tdecker91/Card3D https://github.com/tdecker91/Card3D
Issues Url https://github.com/tdecker91/Card3D/issues https://github.com/tdecker91/Card3D/issues
Godot version Godot 4.2 Godot 4.2
Version String 1.0.1 1.0.0
Download Commit b91fe06e03a44f64a381ab21be97a69a54935d15 d9b680d9d6b69292e2d2efbf6d86e40b5a09b2d1
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/tdecker91/Card3D/archive/b91fe06e03a44f64a381ab21be97a69a54935d15.zip https://github.com/tdecker91/Card3D/archive/d9b680d9d6b69292e2d2efbf6d86e40b5a09b2d1.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tdecker91/Card3D/main/screenshots/icon.png
Preview Insert
Type video
Image/Video URL https://youtu.be/_HgJMTkcKp8
Preview Insert
Type video
Image/Video URL https://youtu.be/5TY-lvPFiqA
Preview Insert
Type image
Image/Video URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tdecker91/Card3D/main/screenshots/screenshot_1.png