Edit of asset "MusicMetadata" Accepted

Old/Current New/Edit
Title MusicMetadata
Description Parses and contains common music file metadata.

This extension allows for common metadata parsed from music files, with the ability to parse (currently only ID3 formatted) metadata from files. The user may also use this as a means to store manually defined metadata about music tracks, as the data contained is not automatically linked to any changes made after the parsing of a file.

Also includes a UI display for this metadata, which can be used as an example, or as is.

This plugin is based off of 'MusicMeta', created by Aineejames and Wilcockj, under the MIT license.

This plugin itself is also licensed under the MIT license.
Category Tools
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/NovaDC/MusicMetadata
Issues Url https://github.com/NovaDC/MusicMetadata/issues
Godot version Godot 4.2
Version String
Download Commit 29b86fc93482e9c4276ef6fdc5a1bd6fc2c888db 29b86fc93482e9c4276ef6fdc5a1bd6fc2c888db
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/NovaDC/MusicMetadata/archive/29b86fc93482e9c4276ef6fdc5a1bd6fc2c888db.zip https://github.com/NovaDC/MusicMetadata/archive/29b86fc93482e9c4276ef6fdc5a1bd6fc2c888db.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NovaDC/MusicMetadata/351bd49a0eafff5c61757495b17788f66ba5c6d2/addons/MusicMetadata/icon.png