Edit of asset "Markdown Book" Accepted

Old/Current New/Edit
Title Markdown Book
Description This addon lets you write custom documentation and view it in Godot.

This addon requires the MarkdownLabel addon to work.
This addon lets you write custom documentation and view it in Godot.

This addon requires the MarkdownLabel addon to work.
Category Tools
License MPL-2.0
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/phnix-dev/markdown-book
Issues Url https://github.com/phnix-dev/markdown-book/issues
Godot version Godot 4.0
Version String 1.1.0
Download Commit 26aa00fb5639fd95ce36b89a939923284514cdfe
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/phnix-dev/markdown-book/archive/26aa00fb5639fd95ce36b89a939923284514cdfe.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/phnix-dev/markdown-book/main/icon.png