Edit of asset "CSLocator (Contextual Service Locator)" Accepted

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Title CSLocator (Contextual Service Locator) CSLocator (Contextual Service Locator)
Description Are singletons giving you a headache? Is injecting dependencies getting you down? The Contextual Service Locator could be the answer to your game programming architecture woes! You'll be amazed at how flexibly and contextually it locates your services! Don't delay! Try the Contextual Service Locator (formerly known as "I can't believe it's not a Singleton!") today!

Real description:
This addon provides a clean interface to register objects on some node in the scene tree, which nodes below it can find. Its purpose is to enhance decoupling and flexibility in mid-to-large games.
Are singletons giving you a headache? Is injecting dependencies getting you down? The Contextual Service Locator could be the answer to your game programming architecture woes! You'll be amazed at how flexibly and contextually it locates your services! Don't delay! Try the Contextual Service Locator (formerly known as "I can't believe it's not a Singleton!") today!

Real description:
This addon provides a clean interface to register objects on some node in the scene tree, which nodes below it can find. Its purpose is to enhance decoupling and flexibility in mid-to-large games.
Category Scripts Scripts
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider Gogs/Gitea/Codeberg Gogs/Gitea/Codeberg
Repository Url https://codeberg.org/svetogam/cslocator https://codeberg.org/svetogam/cslocator
Issues Url https://codeberg.org/svetogam/cslocator/issues https://codeberg.org/svetogam/cslocator/issues
Godot version Godot 4.2 Godot 4.2
Version String 1.0.0 1.0.0
Download Commit 6fee74ca8d14f79fe2533669ab60281e11ab1af6 6fee74ca8d14f79fe2533669ab60281e11ab1af6
Download Url (Computed) https://codeberg.org/svetogam/cslocator/archive/6fee74ca8d14f79fe2533669ab60281e11ab1af6.zip https://codeberg.org/svetogam/cslocator/archive/6fee74ca8d14f79fe2533669ab60281e11ab1af6.zip
Icon Url https://codeberg.org/svetogam/cslocator/raw/branch/main/icon.png
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Type image
Image/Video URL https://codeberg.org/svetogam/cslocator/raw/branch/main/images/screenshots/cslocator-screenshot-1.png