Edit of asset "TemplateSaver" Accepted

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Title TemplateSaver
Description this tool let's you take any tscn file and save it to the plugin as a dat file
then you can use that template for any other project because it saves!
it even comes with built in templates

--new show prints option
--you can now change the location of the plugin(dock/bottom)

--recursion with preload/load is now not possible
--duplicates found in templates are removed

--multi select templates using ctrl+click/shift+click/cmd+click
--multi dragging templates
--ui bug fixes
--renaming template
--filtering templates
--invalid character in name warning
--name already exists warning

--there could be other things I forgot
--love and care from nici
--updates will take a haitus after this one for a while :( sorry...
this tool let's you take any tscn file and save it to the plugin as a dat file
then you can use that template for any other project because it saves!
it even comes with built in templates

--now supports preload/load dependencies
--fixed node paths
--more fixed errors
--multiple template addition
Category Tools
License GPLv2
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/D0RYU/TemplateSaver
Issues Url https://github.com/D0RYU/TemplateSaver/issues
Godot version Godot 4.2
Version String 1.15 1.08
Download Commit a5afd401b67644d72fc8e5128429d8abe326e1ab 62119494eaf2295f886765eaf685e3dd20471836
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/D0RYU/TemplateSaver/archive/a5afd401b67644d72fc8e5128429d8abe326e1ab.zip https://github.com/D0RYU/TemplateSaver/archive/62119494eaf2295f886765eaf685e3dd20471836.zip
Icon Url https://icons.veryicon.com/png/o/business/vscode-program-item-icon/godot.png