Edit of asset "Focus camera with mouse" Accepted

Old/Current New/Edit
Title Focus camera with mouse Focus camera with mouse
Description Centers the camera around the mouse pointers when a shortcut is pressed.

Great for navigating 3D maps. You can point at a location in the terrain and the camera will center's where the mouse is touching that mesh.
Similar to blender's zoom to cursor position shortcut

The addon will look for collision shapes to find the mouse raycast point. If it doesn't find any, it'll use the node's AABB instead.

Shortcuts to zoom:
- Alt+Middle mouse button
- Q key

Made in Godot 4.2 but should also work on 4.0/4.1 (untested).

Used in 3D worlds.
Also works in 2D, but it's kind pointless, as it just moves the camera in 2D space.
Centers the camera around the mouse pointers when a shortcut is pressed.

Great for navigating 3D maps. You can point at a location in the terrain and the camera will center's where the mouse is touching that mesh.
Similar to blender's zoom to cursor position shortcut

The addon will look for collision shapes to find the mouse raycast point. If it doesn't find any, it'll use the node's AABB instead.

Shortcuts to zoom:
- Alt+Middle mouse button
- Q key

Made in Godot 4.2 but should also work on 4.0/4.1 (untested).

Used in 3D worlds.
Also works in 2D, but it's kind pointless, as it just moves the camera in 2D space.
Category 3D Tools 3D Tools
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/GustJc/godot_focus_camera_with_mouse https://github.com/GustJc/godot_focus_camera_with_mouse
Issues Url https://github.com/GustJc/godot_focus_camera_with_mouse/issues https://github.com/GustJc/godot_focus_camera_with_mouse/issues
Godot version Godot 4.2 Godot 4.2
Version String 1.0.0 1.0.0
Download Commit 3bfff21c7c15ad4c3d0ec79f21275b38e228d643 3bfff21c7c15ad4c3d0ec79f21275b38e228d643
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/GustJc/godot_focus_camera_with_mouse/archive/3bfff21c7c15ad4c3d0ec79f21275b38e228d643.zip https://github.com/GustJc/godot_focus_camera_with_mouse/archive/3bfff21c7c15ad4c3d0ec79f21275b38e228d643.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GustJc/godot_focus_camera_with_mouse/master/focus-camera-icon.png