Edit of asset "Audio Mixer Visualizer" Accepted

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Title Audio Mixer Visualizer Audio Mixer Visualizer
Description This tool draws the audio mixer buses at the bottom of the screen during runtime, along with any effects. The output is visualized in meters, with max peaks displayed in decibels for a few seconds.

Intended for debugging. Originally created for the Transmogrify game project by Odyssey Entertainment.
This tool draws the audio mixer buses at the bottom of the screen during runtime, along with any effects. The output is visualized in meters, with max peaks displayed in decibels for a few seconds.

Intended for debugging. Originally created for the Transmogrify game project by Odyssey Entertainment.
Category Tools Tools
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/Landeplage/Godot-Audio-Mixer-Visualizer https://github.com/Landeplage/Godot-Audio-Mixer-Visualizer
Issues Url https://github.com/Landeplage/Godot-Audio-Mixer-Visualizer/issues https://github.com/Landeplage/Godot-Audio-Mixer-Visualizer/issues
Godot version Godot 4.2 Godot 4.2
Version String 1.0 1.0
Download Commit 79c5915ce44610f070ae0797caba908baec64487 79c5915ce44610f070ae0797caba908baec64487
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/Landeplage/Godot-Audio-Mixer-Visualizer/archive/79c5915ce44610f070ae0797caba908baec64487.zip https://github.com/Landeplage/Godot-Audio-Mixer-Visualizer/archive/79c5915ce44610f070ae0797caba908baec64487.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Landeplage/Godot-Audio-Mixer-Visualizer/master/icon.png
Preview Insert
Type image
Image/Video URL https://i.imgur.com/wSevVPo.png
Thumbnail https://i.imgur.com/aF5nfm1.png