Edit of asset "KBM/Controller Switch Detector" Accepted

Old/Current New/Edit
Title KBM/Controller Switch Detector KBM/Controller Switch Detector
Description Description:
This plugin can detect if input is coming from Keyboard And Mouse or Controller, and can detect what type of controller is being used (Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, Steam), it uses a simple autoload so you don't have to do anything else other than just using it!
1) When you have to check if the user is currently using a gamepad or a keyboard you can just use: "KBM_ControllerSwitchDetector.keyboardOrController" (true if Keyboard is being used, false if Controller is currently being used)
2) When you have to get the controller type, use:
This plugin can detect if input is coming from Keyboard And Mouse or Controller, and can detect what type of controller is being used (Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, Steam), it uses a simple autoload so you don't have to do anything else other than just using it!
1) When you have to check if the user is currently using a gamepad or a keyboard you can just use: "KBM_ControllerSwitchDetector.keyboardOrController" (true if Keyboard is being used, false if Controller is currently being used)
2) When you have to get the controller type, use:
Category Scripts Scripts
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/xShader1374/KBM-ControllerSwitchDetector/ https://github.com/xShader1374/KBM-ControllerSwitchDetector/
Issues Url https://github.com/xShader1374/KBM-ControllerSwitchDetector/issues https://github.com/xShader1374/KBM-ControllerSwitchDetector/issues
Godot version Godot 4.1 Godot 4.1
Version String 1.0 1.0
Download Commit 53aaa72d2705dc6fdb1e1792840731aacdc91e67 53aaa72d2705dc6fdb1e1792840731aacdc91e67
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/xShader1374/KBM-ControllerSwitchDetector/archive/53aaa72d2705dc6fdb1e1792840731aacdc91e67.zip https://github.com/xShader1374/KBM-ControllerSwitchDetector/archive/53aaa72d2705dc6fdb1e1792840731aacdc91e67.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xShader1374/KBM-ControllerSwitchDetector/main/addons/kbm-controller_switch_detector/KBM-Controller_Switch_Detector%20(512x512).png