Edit of asset "DarkPeace's SuperSpector : Improve the Godot inspector" Accepted

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Title DarkPeace's SuperSpector : Improve the Godot inspector DarkPeace's SuperSpector : Improve the Godot inspector
Description SuperSpector adds an easy way to select a set of properties in the inspector and copy them to another node. No more copying properties one by one, no more duplicating nodes and then having to change back a bunch of things and no more mistaking copying ressources by reference instead of deep copy.

It works by adding a checkbox next to all properties in the inspector and by adding a bunch of select/copy/paste actions via a context menu to speed up your workflow.

It's very easy to install and use but you can still read the documentation here : https://rebrand.ly/Dark-Peace-Godot-Plugins

It's also compatible with the Editor Icon Previewer (https://godotengine.org/asset-library/asset/1664) plugin to make it possible to copy an icon directly to an inspector property.
SuperSpector adds an easy way to select a set of properties in the inspector and copy them to another node. No more copying properties one by one, no more duplicating nodes and then having to change back a bunch of things and no more mistaking copying ressources by reference instead of deep copy.

It works by adding a checkbox next to all properties in the inspector and by adding a bunch of select/copy/paste actions via a context menu to speed up your workflow.

It's very easy to install and use but you can still read the documentation here : https://rebrand.ly/Dark-Peace-Godot-Plugins

It's also compatible with the Editor Icon Previewer (https://godotengine.org/asset-library/asset/1664) plugin to make it possible to copy an icon directly to an inspector property.
Category Tools
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/Dark-Peace/SuperSpector
Issues Url https://github.com/Dark-Peace/SuperSpector/issues
Godot version Godot 4.0
Version String 1.0
Download Commit e75f31c281dea845aa9fe017885714534de898e8
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/Dark-Peace/SuperSpector/archive/e75f31c281dea845aa9fe017885714534de898e8.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Dark-Peace/SuperSpector/master/Icon_SuperSpector.png