Edit of asset "DestructiblePolygon2D" Accepted

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Title DestructiblePolygon2D DestructiblePolygon2D
Description A node for free-form destruction (and creation) of polygonal terrain. Define the initial terrain with Polygon2D children, then call destruct on it to erase a polygonal area. Exported properties:

- collidable (if true, the node is collidable as a static body in layer 1)
- free_when_empty (if true, the node is freed automatically when destructed completely)
- simplification (vertices are deleted if they are less than this number of pixels away from both adjacent vertices)
A node for free-form destruction (and creation) of polygonal terrain. Define the initial terrain with Polygon2D children, then call destruct on it to erase a polygonal area. Exported properties:

- collidable (if true, the node is collidable as a static body in layer 1)
- free_when_empty (if true, the node is freed automatically when destructed completely)
- simplification (vertices are deleted if they are less than this number of pixels away from both adjacent vertices)
Category Scripts Scripts
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/Julian-Vos/asset-library-DestructiblePolygon2D-4 https://github.com/Julian-Vos/asset-library-DestructiblePolygon2D-4
Issues Url https://github.com/Julian-Vos/godot-scripts/issues https://github.com/Julian-Vos/godot-scripts/issues
Godot version Godot 4.0 Godot 4.0
Version String 1.0.0 1.0.0
Download Commit 807e49eec27247c0c0e6ba2a0d285a97d71b94fc 807e49eec27247c0c0e6ba2a0d285a97d71b94fc
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/Julian-Vos/asset-library-DestructiblePolygon2D-4/archive/807e49eec27247c0c0e6ba2a0d285a97d71b94fc.zip https://github.com/Julian-Vos/asset-library-DestructiblePolygon2D-4/archive/807e49eec27247c0c0e6ba2a0d285a97d71b94fc.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Julian-Vos/godot-scripts/master/media/Node2D.png
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Image/Video URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Julian-Vos/godot-scripts/master/media/DestructiblePolygon2D.png