Edit of asset "MapCamera2D" Accepted

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Title MapCamera2D MapCamera2D
Description A node that adds mouse, keyboard and gesture zooming, panning and dragging to Camera2D. Exported properties:

- zoom_factor (multiplies Camera2D.zoom each mouse wheel scroll)
- zoom_min (minimum Camera2D.zoom)
- zoom_max (maximum Camera2D.zoom)
- zoom limited (if true, MapCamera2D.zoom_min is effectively increased to stay within limits)
- zoom_relative (if true, mouse zooming is done relative to the cursor)
- zoom_keyboard (if true, zooming can also be done with the plus and minus keys)
- pan_speed (adds to Camera2D.offset while the cursor is near the viewport's edges)
- pan_margin (maximum number of pixels away from the viewport's edges for the cursor to be considered near)
- pan_keyboard (if true, panning can also be done with the arrow keys)
- drag (if true, the map can be dragged while holding the left mouse button)
- drag_inertia (multiplies the final drag movement each second)
A node that adds mouse, keyboard and gesture zooming, panning and dragging to Camera2D. Exported properties:

- zoom_factor (multiplies Camera2D.zoom each mouse wheel scroll)
- zoom_min (minimum Camera2D.zoom)
- zoom_max (maximum Camera2D.zoom)
- zoom_relative (if true, mouse zooming is done relative to the cursor)
- zoom_keyboard (if true, zooming can also be done with the plus and minus keys)
- pan_speed (adds to Camera2D.offset while the cursor is near the viewport's edges)
- pan_margin (maximum number of pixels away from the viewport's edges for the cursor to be considered near)
- pan_keyboard (if true, panning can also be done with the arrow keys)
- drag (if true, the map can be dragged while holding the left mouse button)
Category Scripts Scripts
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/Julian-Vos/asset-library-MapCamera2D-4 https://github.com/Julian-Vos/asset-library-MapCamera2D-4
Issues Url https://github.com/Julian-Vos/godot-scripts/issues https://github.com/Julian-Vos/godot-scripts/issues
Godot version Godot 4.0 Godot 4.0
Version String 1.2.1 1.0.0
Download Commit ab18f257b0d7c094a310113fc808d9838c6e9f01 12c7c2f42fe449128f779836b98322626c054b5f
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/Julian-Vos/asset-library-MapCamera2D-4/archive/ab18f257b0d7c094a310113fc808d9838c6e9f01.zip https://github.com/Julian-Vos/asset-library-MapCamera2D-4/archive/12c7c2f42fe449128f779836b98322626c054b5f.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Julian-Vos/godot-scripts/master/media/Camera2D.png
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Image/Video URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Julian-Vos/godot-scripts/master/media/MapCamera2D.png