Edit of asset "Godot .NET Scene-Oriented Unit Test" Accepted

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Title Godot .NET Scene-Oriented Unit Test Godot .NET Scene-Oriented Unit Test
Description Godot .NET Scene-Oriented Unit Test (ScOUT) is a framework for writing C# unit tests that run within scenes.

- Running unit tests within scenes makes it easy to test game logic that depends on engine features (e.g. signals) with minimal stubbing.
- Automation with JUnit-style test reports.
- Only Godot .NET (C#) is supported.
Godot .NET Scene-Oriented Unit Test (ScOUT) is a framework for writing C# unit tests that run within scenes.

- Running unit tests within scenes makes it easy to test game logic that depends on engine features (e.g. signals) with minimal stubbing.
- Automation with JUnit-style test reports.
- Only Godot .NET (C#) is supported.
Category Tools Tools
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitLab GitLab
Repository Url https://gitlab.com/jfletcher94/gd-net-scout https://gitlab.com/jfletcher94/gd-net-scout
Issues Url https://gitlab.com/jfletcher94/gd-net-scout/-/issues https://gitlab.com/jfletcher94/gd-net-scout/-/issues
Godot version Godot 4.2 Godot 4.2
Version String 1.1 1.0
Download Commit c94b44f2c2a421ebf9b2eac41191abb89e5f9a17 0571b4e333dedc75c355b56dbc28cb96a5007e77
Download Url (Computed) https://gitlab.com/jfletcher94/gd-net-scout/-/archive/c94b44f2c2a421ebf9b2eac41191abb89e5f9a17.zip https://gitlab.com/jfletcher94/gd-net-scout/-/archive/0571b4e333dedc75c355b56dbc28cb96a5007e77.zip
Icon Url https://gitlab.com/jfletcher94/gd-net-scout/-/raw/master/addons/GD_NET_ScOUT/icon.png