Creation of asset "Platform2d" Rejected

Title Platform2d
Description Platform2d is a plugin for Godot that provides two new classes that can be used to build levels for 2d platformer style games.

The ThinPlatform class is a simple platform that is drawn along a curve. Its aspect is defined by a repeated (mid) texture and 2 optional (left and right) textures for the platform's ends.

The ThickPlatform is defined by a closed curve, and drawn using fill and edge textures.

Collision shapes are (of course) generated automatically hen editing the platforms, and platforms have a "Moving Platform" parameter that will (if set) automatically update their constant linear velocity when the platform is moving.

The materials of both platform kinds can be saved and applied to newly created platforms.
Category 2D Tools
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
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Godot version Godot 2.1
Version String 0.1
Download Commit v0.1
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