Edit of asset "Extra Math for C#" Accepted

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Title Extra Math for C# Extra Math for C#
Description Library for extra math types in C#, including Vector4, double-precision, and integer types, all based on Godot's own C# math types. Please view the README for more details and instructions on how to use it. Library for extra math types in C#, including Vector4, double-precision, and integer types, all based on Godot's own C# math types. Please view the README for more details and instructions on how to use it.
Category Scripts Scripts
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/aaronfranke/GodotExtraMath https://github.com/aaronfranke/GodotExtraMath
Issues Url https://github.com/aaronfranke/GodotExtraMath/issues https://github.com/aaronfranke/GodotExtraMath/issues
Godot version Godot 3.3 Godot 3.1
Version String 3.3 3.1.1
Download Commit b08de3d1380f3568eeed6576e6e5ad00b3a6319b 31563b690232c015f11bdb8af4f3f8f8a6b47af6
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/aaronfranke/GodotExtraMath/archive/b08de3d1380f3568eeed6576e6e5ad00b3a6319b.zip https://github.com/aaronfranke/GodotExtraMath/archive/31563b690232c015f11bdb8af4f3f8f8a6b47af6.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aaronfranke/GodotExtraMath/master/addons/extra_math_cs/extramath.png