Edit of asset "Verlet Rope .NET (Physics Ropes)" Accepted

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Title Verlet Rope .NET (Physics Ropes) Verlet Rope .NET (Physics Ropes)
Description Verlet-based rope implementation with advanced physics for the Godot 4.0+, similar to the one seen in Half-Life 2.

1. Verlet integration based particle simulation.
2. Full rope simulation within the editor.
3. Adjustable number of particles, length, width and iterations for the rope.
4. Support of changeable simulation rate, always clamping to the physics rate.
5. Flat mesh generation, always faces the current camera in play mode.
6. Automatic tessellation using Catmull-Rom splines.
7. Support of VisibleOnScreenNotifier3D.
8. Integration of different forces: gravity, wind and air damping.
9. Advanced performance-friendly slide collisions with adjustable parameters based on a single raycast per rope particle for static mode and O(n) (n - amount of dynamic bodies inside rope AABB) raycasts per particle for dynamic mode.
Verlet-based rope implementation with advanced physics for the Godot 4.0+, similar to the one seen in Half-Life 2.

1. Verlet integration based particle simulation.
2. Full rope simulation within the editor.
3. Adjustable number of particles, length, width and iterations for the rope.
4. Support of changeable simulation rate, always clamping to the physics rate.
5. Flat mesh generation, always faces the current camera in play mode.
6. Automatic tessellation using Catmull-Rom splines.
7. Support of VisibleOnScreenNotifier3D.
8. Integration of different forces: gravity, wind and air damping.
9. Advanced performance-friendly slide collisions with adjustable parameters based on a single raycast per particle.
Category 3D Tools
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/Tshmofen/verlet-rope-4
Issues Url https://github.com/Tshmofen/verlet-rope-4/issues
Godot version Godot 4.2
Version String 1.2.0 1.1.0
Download Commit 95b6c0b54aa05cfa3694e2f96a4b500079b2b6b5 c9d460037110e238d83e27a078f121470a1be405
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/Tshmofen/verlet-rope-4/archive/95b6c0b54aa05cfa3694e2f96a4b500079b2b6b5.zip https://github.com/Tshmofen/verlet-rope-4/archive/c9d460037110e238d83e27a078f121470a1be405.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Tshmofen/verlet-rope-4/master/images/rope_icon.png
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Image/Video URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Tshmofen/verlet-rope-4/master/images/advanced_physics_2.gif
Thumbnail https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Tshmofen/verlet-rope-4/master/images/advanced_physics_2.gif