Edit of asset "balldrop." Accepted

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Title balldrop. balldrop.
Description An experimental musical instrument, made with Godot 3.1.

The idea is that there are multiple emitters on the screen that periodically spawn balls. When the balls touch a line, a sound is emitted. The kind of sound depends on the color of the ball, and the pitch of the sound depends on the velocity of the ball.

You can draw lines by holding the left mouse button and erase them again by pressing the right mouse button.

You can get the executables here: https://bauxite.itch.io/balldrop
An experimental musical instrument, made with Godot 3.1.

The idea is that there are multiple emitters on the screen that periodically spawn balls. When the balls touch a line, a sound is emitted. The kind of sound depends on the color of the ball, and the pitch of the sound depends on the velocity of the ball.

You can draw lines by holding the left mouse button and erase them again by pressing the right mouse button.

You can get the executables here: https://bauxite.itch.io/balldrop
Category Projects Projects
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/Bauxitedev/balldrop https://github.com/Bauxitedev/balldrop
Issues Url https://github.com/Bauxitedev/balldrop/issues https://github.com/Bauxitedev/balldrop/issues
Godot version Godot 3.1 Godot 3.1
Version String v1.0 v1.0
Download Commit v1.0 v1.0
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/Bauxitedev/balldrop/archive/v1.0.zip https://github.com/Bauxitedev/balldrop/archive/v1.0.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Bauxitedev/balldrop/master/icon.png
Preview Insert
Type video
Image/Video URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhKnGPcZmE4
Preview Insert
Type image
Image/Video URL https://img.itch.zone/aW1hZ2UvNDA5Nzc5LzIwMzY4MjYuanBn/original/WU%2F%2F2R.jpg
Preview Insert
Type image
Image/Video URL https://img.itch.zone/aW1hZ2UvNDA5Nzc5LzIwMzY4MjguanBn/original/FXXLwj.jpg